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Word Wall List Of Words


about                        into                slow

after                   it's                small

again                  joke              snap

are                    jump           sometimes

beautiful            junk                sports

because            kicked            stop

before                knew              tell

best                    line               than

black                   little            thank

boy                    made            that's

brothers            mail                their

bug                    make            them

can't                    many            then

car                    more                there (here)

caught               name                they

children            new (old)            they're (they are)

city                    nice                    thing

clock                not                        those

could                off                        to

crash                one (1)                 too (Too late!)

crashes            or                        trip

didn't                other                    truck

don't                our                        two (2)

drink                outside                   use

eating               people                    very

every                phone                    wanted

favorite            played                    was

first                pretty                        went

float                quit                        were

found               rain                        what

friends            really                    when

girl                   ride                    where

green                right (Wrong!)    who

gym                said                    why

have                sale                    will

here                saw                    with

house               school               won

how                shook                won't (will not)

hurt               sister                    write (pencil)

I                    skate                    writing